Silver Benefits

Monthly Member Meetings: Connect at CIAO’s monthly meetings with industry professionals, guest speakers, officials, and policymakers.
Exclusive Legislative Updates: Receive members-only updates with key legislative news, vendor features, product highlights, and event information.
Access to Banking Services: Statewide banking access without geographical restriction through MAPS Credit Union for OLCC licensed cannabis businesses.
Business Directory Listing: Highlighting your business name and website in CIAO’s membership directory.
CIAO Voting Rights: One vote for each member.
Access to Members HUB: The members only section for the website that contains a forum to interact with other CIAO members along with additional resources.
Discounts: products and co-sponsored events.
Access: vendors list for professional services.
OLCC Advocacy: Outreach to OLCC on your behalf.
Policy Advice & Access: Benefit from free expert policy advice from CIAO’s full time policy staff with 72 hour response time.
Lobby Day Invitation: Engage directly in shaping policy with an invitation to CIAO’s bi-annual Lobby Day at the Oregon State Capitol.
Marketing Spotlight: Share a promotional piece up to 250 words in a member email twice a year.
Marketing Opportunity: Featured member on social media and website.
CIAO Board of Directors: Eligible to serve.

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